Sunday, December 13, 2009

Folliculitis Treatment More Condition_symptoms Does Anyone Know A Good Treatment For Folliculitis On The Arms?

Does anyone know a good treatment for folliculitis on the arms? - folliculitis treatment more condition_symptoms

Do not shave your arms, back or chest? Are you sure that you have folliculitis? When I shave, you do not shave in the direction of hair growth against the growth of hair. This will have this problem. To relieve symptoms, it would be better to apply warm compresses for 15-20 minutes. / Day, and this should be done 3-4 times per day.Also, while leading in the shower, hot water over the area. The heat opens the pores and follicles open so that the ingrown hairs on the surface of the skin can be placed. Most of the time are therefore ingrown hairs. If not, and if they see the hair on the free surface, use pliers hair CLEANING (s). If the area looks infected, warm to, redness, weeping of a liquid like substance is, the industry heavily, you should contact your doctor. Hope this helps.


Doug said...

Keep the area clean and dry, try applying Neosporin, Bacitracin or Vaseline with a simple vinaigrette. If it turns out, disseminate, consult a physician. It took three weeks to get rid of me some, and I'm at the point where I went to the doctor. There is no such thing as MRSA acquired in the community presented as folliculitis, which generally ge tit the gym or the like, if you think you have to ... go to the doctor, common antibiotics, as I proposed it, not help. Good luck!

Doug said...

Keep the area clean and dry, try applying Neosporin, Bacitracin or Vaseline with a simple vinaigrette. If it turns out, disseminate, consult a physician. It took three weeks to get rid of me some, and I'm at the point where I went to the doctor. There is no such thing as MRSA acquired in the community presented as folliculitis, which generally ge tit the gym or the like, if you think you have to ... go to the doctor, common antibiotics, as I proposed it, not help. Good luck!

Doug said...

Keep the area clean and dry, try applying Neosporin, Bacitracin or Vaseline with a simple vinaigrette. If it turns out, disseminate, consult a physician. It took three weeks to get rid of me some, and I'm at the point where I went to the doctor. There is no such thing as MRSA acquired in the community presented as folliculitis, which generally ge tit the gym or the like, if you think you have to ... go to the doctor, common antibiotics, as I proposed it, not help. Good luck!

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